GE washer front load error codes
E22 Fill timeout - No fill/slow fill,Fill time exceeds 8 minutes.
Ensure manual water supply valves are fully open.
Inspect inlet hoses for kinks/obstructions.
Inspect water valve screens for restriction.
Check water valve functions - t08 for hot water, t09
for cold water.If above steps do not clear the problem replace solenoid water valve.
E23 Flood protect drain Foam switch closes in idle state. Check water valve functions - t08 for hot water, t09
for cold water. Check pressure switch foam contacts - t06 - fi rst display should be E. Off balance loads with heavy vibration can cause code - retry before replacing any component.
E30 Drain pump not present Drain problems - no electrical signal from drain pump.Check drain pump - t05.
Check drain pump motor for open.Check power to drain pump. Check drain pump for stalling.
E31 Drain timeout Slow drain - machine will have water - not full. Check drain pump - t05. Check drain pump for restriction.Check for drain restriction.Drain height over 96-in. can cause code.
E38 Dispenser error Correct reservoir is not found and 8 switches are seen when motor is running. Check dispenser - t12 (connectors from dispenser motor unless replacing.)
E39 Dispenser timeout No switches found in 45 seconds. Check dispenser - t12 (connectors from dispenser motor unless replacing.)
E42 Drive motor - instantaneous current Motor excess current draw. Check drive motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, t14 spin. Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds and retry. If code reoccurs, check drive motor windings.If motor windings OK, replace inverter. (You may see a burned spot on inverter.) (open motor winding.)
Error Codes (Continued DOWN)
Error Code Description Problem Possible Cause/Action E43 DC Fault - Inverter Inverter failure. Non-recoverable error. Replace inverter control board.
E45 Drive motor - overload current Load too heavy. Check Motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, T14 spin. Check mechanical faults - check belt, basket, bearing - rotate basket by hand. Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds and retry - if reoccurs, replace inverter. ( occur with open winding.)
E46 Drive motor - over temperature Inverter over temperature. Check Motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, T14 spin. Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds and retry - use whites cycle sanitize temperature - if reoccurs, replace drive motor. (with open winding.)
E47 Heat sink - over temperature Inverter over temperature. Check Motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, T14 spin.
Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds and retry - use whites cycle sanitize temperature - if reoccurs, replace drive motor. (with open winding.)
E48 Drive motor - open Open motor phase. Check Motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, T14 spin. Check motor for open winding - if OK, replace inverter.
E49 Drive motor - overload power Load too heavy. Check Motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, T14 spin. Check mechanical faults (binding) - belt, basket,bearing - rotate basket by hand. Check motor for shorted winding - if OK, replace inverter. Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds and retry - if reoccurs, replace inverter. (occur with open winding.
E4A Under volts Under volts - DC bus voltage (inverter). Check Motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, T14 spin. Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds and retry - if reoccurs, replace inverter. ( occur with open winding.)
E4B Power up problems Software/ hardware problems. Check Motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, T14 spin. Check motor windings - internal short Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds and retry - if reoccurs, replace inverter. (occur with open winding.)
E4C Over volts Over volts - DC bus (inverter). Check Motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, t14 spin. Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds and retry - if reoccurs, replace inverter. ( occur with open winding.)
(Continued DOWN)
Error Code Description Problem Possible Cause/Action
E4E Under volts after start Initial minimum voltage not received - motor does not run. DC bus (inverter). Check Motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, t14 spin. Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds and retry - if reoccurs, replace inverter. ( occur with open winding.)
E4F EEProm fault EEProm reading error occurs. Non-recoverable error. Replace inverter control board.
E52 Main control wake-up error Lost communication between control and drive motor after initial success.Check Motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, t14 spin. Check connections/cables between main control and inverter.Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds and retry - if reoccurs, replace inverter. ( occur with open winding.)Main control board can cause code in limited circumstances, as loose plug on board.
E53 Buffer error Internal software buffer error. Check Motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, t14 spin.Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds and retry - if reoccurs, replace inverter. (occur with open winding.)
E54 No motor response Lost communication between control and drive motor. Check Motor - t10 tumble, t11 spin, t14 spin. Check connections/cables between controls. Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds andretry - if reoccurs, replace inverter.
E57 Checksum failure Software error occurs - checksum failure. Non-recoverable error. Main control board must be replaced.
E58 Communication failure Communication error occurs. Non-recoverable error. Main control board must be replaced.
E60 Door lock switch failure Switch failure occurs during lock. Power down (unplug) machine, wait 30 seconds and retry. Check wiring and connections between door lock and main control. Check door lock switches and solenoid.Replace main control if wiring, switches, and solenoid test functional.
(Continued on down)
Error Code Description Problem Possible Cause/Action
E61 Door unlock switch failure Switch failure occurs during unlock. Power down (unplug) machine, wait 30 seconds and retry. Check wiring and connections between door lock and main control. Check door lock switches and solenoid. Replace main control if wiring, switches, and solenoid test functional.
E62 System contact failure Load failure occurs. Heater/pump/pressure switch/door lock/water valves/dispenser motor. Power down (unplug) machine, wait 30 seconds and retry. This error code found a shorted component. Check integrity of wiring and connections - replace harness if necessary. Check integrity and connections of all loads and replace as necessary. Replace main control if actions do not resolve.
E63 Unexpected open door Switch failure occurs during wake-up. Power down (unplug) machine, wait 30 seconds and retry. Check wiring and connections between door lock and main control. Check door lock switches and solenoid. Replace main control if wiring, switches, and solenoid test functional.
E64 Unexpected open door while running Switch failure occurs during cycle. Power down (unplug) machine, wait 30 seconds and retry. Check wiring and connections between door lock and main control. Check door lock switches and solenoid. Replace main control if wiring, switches, and solenoid test functional.
E65 Water level sensor failure - foam Main level switch is satisfied before foam level switch. Check integrity of wiring and connections between main control and water level sensor. Check integrity of water level sensor t06 - replace if necessary. Replace main control if actions do not resolve.
E66 Water temperature sensor open Water temperature sensor open. Check water temperature sensor - t07 Check integrity of wiring and connections between main control and water temperature sensor. Check integrity of water temperature sensor - replace if necessary.
(Continued on down)
Error Code Description Problem Possible Cause/Action
E67 Water temperature sensor shorted Water temperature sensor shorted. Check water temperature sensor - t07. Check integrity of wiring and connections between main control and water temperature sensor. Check integrity of water temperature sensor - replace if necessary.
E70 Stuck key Continuous key read for 60 seconds. Power down (unplug) machine, wait 30 seconds and retry. Use t04 test to test keys. Separate control and control housing from front panel - clean and remove foreign debris. Ensure all keys can be operated freely without sticking. Replace control panel if actions do not resolve.
E71 Key fault Communication error occurs between control and keys. Power down (unplug) washer, wait 30 seconds and retry - if reoccurs, replace main control.